At the time these photos were taken, these children saw each other for the first time in their lives the day before,  and it only took them only a few minutes to become friends. When they saw each other, they did not think of themselves as “the one who is using the system to benefit from it” or as “the one who does not want to employ me.” Their only obstacle was innocent children´s shyness. Yes, that’s right, they were not divided by prejudice and stereotypical thinking, but by shyness. But once they overcame this shyness, they spent all afternoon playing hide-and-seek and other fun games. Even though they did not speak the same language, they could manage to communicate, express themselves and understand each other. 

Let’s be more like children! Let us not dispel prejudices in children, let us just calmly watch them and learn from them how to be so open and innocent as they are!