These pictures rapresent a group of young people of different association working togheter to clean the park from the leaves, beer bottles and other type of junk . It was taken on 27th of september before “Festa dei vicini” in Turin at Alimonda’s park. This festivity is a day where neighbors meet in common places to share food, culteres and events togheter.
This pictures rapresent inclusion because there are different guys with different backgrounds that are working togheter to reach the same goal, that is clean up a park which in recent years has been put in a bad light due to vandalism and drug dealing. It’s not just giving a new life to the park but it’s the possibility to neighborhood to repopulate the space and to give to the guys and girls of the most multiethnic neighborhood of Turin a new perspective.
For me inclusion is an attitude that leads people to accept the differences of the other without even not sharing them, but always respecting it, but not only this, it also giving the opportunity to those who don’t have it to be able to start from an equal level and not on a level of necessity.